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m57,m92 sketched at the eyepiece.


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uncomfortably sketched at the eyepiece,as ive yet to get an adjustable stool. so the cast iron arm of the garden bench had to do !



these were both sketched at x 100 useing the 12mm bst eyepiece. the picture quality is quite poor as it was a snap from my mobile phone rather than my proper digital camera. but its better than nowt eh . :grin:

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Nice sketches Rory, definitely better than nowt!

I think it pays to get as comfortable as possible, I've found the more relaxed I am the better sketches I do so worth its getting some kind of chair sorted out. :cool:

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Great stuff, Rory. It's lovely to see this kind of art work up here at SGL and thank you for sharing them with us :icon_salut: . The patience, care and attention to detail whilst at the eyepiece can only be doing wonders to your craft of stargazing and I hope you're storing these little gems away for future reference.

I have a fun-hard time with sketching as well. I observe the heavens with an eyepatch and no glasses so when it comes to jotting a brush or pencil on paper I can't really see what I'm doing! Sure, I could put on the glasses again, but it just slows up the process and to be honest, I hate looking through the EP and OTA lenses with more glass over my goofy eyes :icon_eek:. Furthermore, there's no way I can get a table or chair onto the roof top, it's mad enough setting up the EQ5, so most of the time I'm in some kind of obscure squating or lying position, paper on lap or chest, red light between clenched teeth, trying to get the sketch as accurate as possible.

Ay, it's a great way to spend half an hour or so. I love it :lol:

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thanks for the encouragment. i do indeed keep them . my daughter bought me a sketch pad, so i have the originals (pencil on paper) as a log. like others ,id like to sketch all the messiers over time.

so you observe from the rooftop ? i take it theres not much room then. im planning on a stool, probably a drummers throne.otherwise sat uncomfortably with backache sort of takes the enjoyment away.

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you'll be wanting to hold a PENCIL for that remember,not a drumstick.. hard habbits and all that !

seroiusly though ,im going to get a drum throne too,seem perfect for the job. also need a scanner for the laptop,taking photo's and putting them on to the p.c seems a awkward way of doing things, and the results arnt great when inverted.

now dont turn up to a gig with a couple of hb pencils, you'll look a right div ! :grin:

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