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Olympus 10x50 DPS Arrived

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My 10x50 binoculars arrived today managed to to get them for £48 even though on Olympus' website they are £102 =D and a nice clear night is on its way!

Looking at houses in the distance the view is very crisp and clear, still waiting for the sun to go down to try them out on the night sky. I will give another update on what they are like on the night sky later on when/if the clouds co-operate.

(hope I can help anyone else looking to buy the same pair)

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Yes I bought them from Amazon and have had a great look at the moon tonight the craters are amazing, the detail is so crisp its breathtaking. comparing these to some 7x50 blackfoot binos i borrowed these Olympus ones win by far in every single way Im in love. :icon_salut:

Too many clouds to see much more than Jupiter and Venus which are bright globes. Could not see any moons of Juipiter but taking a gaze at Venus I thought saw a moon but it was Aqr - HIP 114724 lol a star next to it in the sky.

Had a peer through M42 through cloud and was surprised to see a wealth of detail for being in cloudy haze.

Going out later on to have a look at Andromeda galaxy and others I will keep you updated The Millster.

These binoculars are so good and im glad i jumped on getting them for half price :evil:

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Ive had mine for a week now (also from Amazon) and they're fantastic. I took a sharp intake of breath when they turned up with Coleman stamps all over the bins & bag - as Coleman aren't an outdoorsman's 1st choice when selecting kit, a bit like millets!!!!

In fact they're so good, i lose track of the constellations I'm looking at compared to the naked eye!!!

Havent pointed them at the moon yet - its my next target!!!

Hope they bring you all the joy mine have for me.



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Thats so strange that yours have a Coleman logo on them. Mine do not they only have the Olympus logo and a wide field of view silver sticker.

But if they are giving you a wonderful sight I guess it is just a logo but that is strange. Have a look at the moon or Orions Nebula as soon as possible Andy they really are breathtaking.

The moon looks so fantastic all the craters and seas are so clear. Ive seen M42 (which is easily visible with the naked eye from here) In which I could see some central stars and the wispy nebulosity around it. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Beehive cluster, the clouds hindered me much more after that.

Not a bad first night with them!

And all that was viewing through a pretty thick fog covering the field I was perched in. =D

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after reading this thread i too have plumped for the Olympus from amazon.

i was looking at a few others but for the price, these stand out a little!

thanks for the heads up, they're certainly a little cheaper than the celestrons.

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the wounder is that i'm already looking round this forum for telescopes between the £300 - £700 mark before i've even got them.

one of my must do's has always been the northern lights, still not done it but now i think i may be at the next stage,lol!

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ordered yesterday on 3-5 day free delivery,

tracking shows them as out for delivery today.

well done amazon!

lets hope the clouds hold off, its going to be a cold one this week so hopefully will be clear skies at night.


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I've had mine a couple of weeks now, also arrived as the Coleman's ones, but it doesn't bother me. The quality is brilliant. If you want to see Jupiter's moons with them, you may need a tripod. Without a tripod my hands are quite shaky and Jupiter was just moving too much to see anything. Tried them with a tripod a few nights ago and managed to see 3 moons around Jupiter. Also had a go at seeing Andromeda, and although it was only a fuzzy patch in the sky, I was very excited to see it. The Pleiades is stunning through these also.

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Got mine today, also Coleman ones. Look pretty good so far although I have a cloudy sky. Had a look out the window across the bay and quality seem very good compared to any other bins I've looked through. Found it a bit weird at first the 3d effect you get frim them :D

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