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Info needed on scope weights

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At the moment I have an ED80 and a ZS 66. I would like to add a longer focal length and am wondering about an ED100 or preferably a 120. However I don't want to overload my super polaris. I'm not in a postion to get a more substantial mount at the moment. Does anyone know the weights of the ED80 100 and 120?

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Thanks very much for the link, just the info I needed :rolleyes: Load capacity of mount 7Kg ZS66 1.7kg ED120 4.4Kg Tube rings, camera, filter wheel approx 1kg =6.5kg. Pushing it but would be ok until I can save some pennies for a larger mount.

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Thanks Gaz, I rad a review comparing the 3 skywatcher apos which didn't mention any probs with CA but did say that the star test was better with the ED100. Cool down time was pretty long as welll which is not really an issue for me. The reviewer said of all the scopes the one he would like to keep was the ED100. F9 vs F7.5 is an issue though, tricky. The price might swing it. If anyone has any views on the best 800-1000mm f/l apo for not much more 1000 or less please let me know

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Sorry Gordon, I am picking up a GPDX but it has the skysensor goto. Weight wise I have 2 scopes mounted in tandem. The SP has the same weight capacity as the GP at 7kg. The GPDX will give me a bit to spare and the goto will be handy when I'm trying to locate the faint stuff like the Jelly fish etc.

The GPDX is a wonderful mid weight mount and I can recommend them to anyone, Gordon is the man to ask!!

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However I don't want to overload my super polaris. I'm not in a postion to get a more substantial mount at the moment.

I am picking up a GPDX but it has the skysensor goto.

No worries, just confused me hehe. The GPDX is rated at 10kg i believe so you will have plenty of spare capacity even if you piggyback the ED80 on the ED100. With autoguiding it'll make a nice setup :rolleyes:

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I'm collecting it on Wednesday. Some misgivings now :shock: I know what you said about colour and I've dug out all the info I can find and it's all very conflicting. 2 odd threads on cloudy nights - the only guy with any experience of the scope said totally different things about it in each of the threads! An Astronomy Now review says it shows no colour. Telescope service says it shows a bit more colour the the ED100 (no surprise there) but is a great imaging scope and Ian King says it is razor sharp. Hope I've made the right choice. The scope's mint apparently and was just £200 more than a new ED100. I think WO have set the cat amongst the pidgeons with their Megrez 110 (too short F/L what I am after).

Anyway, I will do a first light report asap.

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He posted in one of them. Refractor6 if I remember right. Tested the scope and found it spot on with no colour. Next thread he said he found it's views "colourful". I didn't have time to read the full thread so there may have been some explanation for his change of opinion.

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It was Pollux who posted the pictures I saw, he's got one of the scopes himself and seemed to change his mind as well (I get the impression his moods affect his opinions). Refractor6 really does know his stuff, I'm sure theres a good reason for his change of heart.

Is it Richard Lynchs scope BTW?

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Anyway, I will do a first light report asap.

I for one would be very interested in your views on the ED120 Martin. I very nearly brought one of these recently and I think it was only the lack of available reviews (favourable or otherwise) that held me back.

I have owned 2 ED80's and an ED100 so I'm a big fan of these scopes. The ED120 is still relatively unknown wheras the net is awash with (positive) reviews of the other two scopes.

From my experience of the 80 and 100 scopes (and now my WO Megrez 90 which follows the same general lens design) I would guess that the ED120 won't be absolutely colour free but it will be very well controlled in that respect for a 4.7 inch f7.5 refractor.

I look forward to reading your report.


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Anyway, I will do a first light report asap.

From my experience of the 80 and 100 scopes (and now my WO Megrez 90 which follows the same general lens design) I would guess that the ED120 won't be absolutely colour free but it will be very well controlled in that respect for a 4.7 inch f7.5 refractor.

My thoughts exactly John. I expect there will be a tad more colour than the ED100. There is a huge price jump for the ED120 and I'm guessing that reflects the extra work involved in configuring the larger lens to perform adequately at F7.5.

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