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Massive 'shooting star'

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I was out last night looking at Saturn and at about 22:30 I decided to rest my eyes and just have a casual look around the sky. Just as I looked over to the north, what I can only describe as the biggest shooting star I have even seen whizzed by. It was so big, bright and fast it actually made me jump and slightly panicky!!!

I thought it was going to crash down! I've never seen such a bright shooting star before. Did anyone else manage to see this?

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Moonshane - That sounds like it. I can't believe that I chose exactly the right moment to have a scout around the skies....

Looking through the 'scope at one tiny piece of sky is fascinating but last night reiterated how much can be missed by just looking through the scope!

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I was doing the same myself. In fact I am not too hot on constellations generally and was tracing the path of Draco with my neighbour and we both saw it and went 'what the???!!!!'. it was great. we saw a few fainter ones too through the evening.

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