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IR filter cutting too much red?


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I'm just looking at my images of Saturn from Friday night. In each case whilst the entire image appears in green and blue, the only red appearing in the entire image is a line around the top of the orb of the planet and the upper edge of the front ring (basically where I'd expect to see it as a result of atmostpheric refraction).

I'm wondering if this might be down to the IR filter cutting too much red from the image and perhaps I should try without it next time.

Does that sound likely?


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I have my SPC900 with the modified raw mode macros. The instructions say that the camera should be reset to factory settings before using it once this has been done. I'm now wondering if the lack of red sensitivity is related to that not happening in SharpCap. I'll have another go with wxAstroCapture (which does allow a factory reset) when we next get a clear night.


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