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Does anyone use Google Earth


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Hello all,

For some reason, my new laptop can't load Steellarium due to some graphics feature I'm still trying to sort out :D. However, have discovered that Google Earth has a 'Sky' function which I have found pretty good. You can rotate the sky, zoom in or out to control the number of visible stars, search feature and others not bad. If you're connected to the web, by selecting an object, it will bring up a lot of information on the object. Simply by clicking on an object it will bring up a certain amount. I find it pretty useful, but doesn't have the function of orientating objects relative to my location, so i use Cartes de Ciel for that.:hello2:Anybody had a go at it?

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Hi Bart, I have used it from time to time, I had some trouble with stellarium a good 18 months ago, would take ages to load it and also had graphics probs too, was ok with the pc it was just the old laptop, Google Sky was quite a decent option to try though and I think it is worth having it too :D

I picked up a new laptop myself recently but have had no trouble with Stellarium with it thankfully :rolleyes:

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