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Looks identical to mine.

I have a 12V cigar plug connected to a small (I think its 2mm DC plug) which fits the socket in the side of the card.

If you need I can measure the plug. Not sure where I got it...probably Maplins (or maybe from the supply for a USB hub...similar size)

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Just measured mine

Outside diameter of plug 3.44mm

Size of central hole 1.3mm

Centre positive

Mine looks like the plug end came from one of those cheap multi voltage transformers - you know the one where you get myriads of different ends and loose them before you find you actually need them!

The other end is just a 12V car plug so I can run the card from my gel cell batteries. So it may be a "home made" version.....


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Just measured mine

Outside diameter of plug 3.44mm

Size of central hole 1.3mm

Centre positive

Mine looks like the plug end came from one of those cheap multi voltage transformers - you know the one where you get myriads of different ends and loose them before you find you actually need them!

The other end is just a 12V car plug so I can run the card from my gel cell barries.


XLNT- so I can pretty much make up my own via Maplin parts and some decent cable?

Does it effectively appear like a bog stnd power supply cable for say a mount but with the 3.5mm plug ?

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