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M13 - The Great Globular Cluster In Hercules

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Another try with my new 6"rc on m13.

Thanx for watching :D

p.s.For full reso click here

p.s.2 Click here to see my original rgb image


Location : Corinth - Greece

Telescope : astro-tech - Gso Rc 6"

Ccd : QHY 9

Mount : ASA DDM60

Guiding : unguided

Field flattener : -

Gain/Offset : 30% - 107

Temp : -25

Exposures : Luminance bin 1x1 34x300sec RGB bin 2x2 10x300sec each filter

Calibration files : Darks - Flats - Bias

Applications : Nebulosity - Photoshop - Maxim - Pixinsight - the sky 6 - Autoslew.


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