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Equatorial Platform or Mount?


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I am looking to put my xx12i onto a tracking system. This is for visual use. Astrophotography is not a goal at this time.

I am unsure of you can put a xx12i onto a equatorial mount or if I am better off using a platform. I am not really constrained from a budget point of view.

The family likes projects but we arent very good..

Any open ended advice as to which direction we should persue?



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Hi Ray,

I take it your scope is an Orion truss version,in which case it would have to be an EQ platform to carry out any tracking.

I am considering an EQ platform in the future for my Skywatcher 250 dob.

The EQ platform gets some mixed reviews and is probably only suitable for visual or short exposure imaging using low to medium magnification only.



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I'd say that unless you buy an extremely expensive, ungainly and difficult to use (eyepiece height) mount you need to consider either an EQP or some form of tracking hardware (Argonavis> Servocat etc I think are brands that do this).

I have just made an EQP http://stargazerslounge.com/diy-astronomer/127311-equatorial-platform-dobsonian-telescopes.html and it tracks for about 10 minutes at 225x but I'll improve this with fine tuning of the height and orientation etc once we actually get a clear night.

you can buy EQPs for about £500 in the UK I made mine for about £100 but could make another for about £20 as I now have most of the bits to make another (that's not an offer! :D).

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