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Quick Messier trip through Auriga 3/9/11


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The clouds in northern California were clear enough for me to pull the scope out tonight...and while I feel really run down because of the flu I just HAD to get out out there. I saw a post last week about a "smiley face" asterism in Auriga. I think it was from Tabita's website...can't remember. Anyway - I got all set and with high clouds already starting to obscure the moon I had to work quickly. I've seen all the Messiers in Auriga before - but they were a challenge due to light pollution. I sit about a 6-7 on the Bortle scale. With Auriga almost at zenith LP was less a factor, but the street light RIGHT BEHIND my house didn't help. I started at iota Aur (lower right corner) and worked up. Used the bright stars lined up in 14-19 Aur to get me closer and then spotted the cluster M38. At first I confused M38 for M37 but after consulting my star charts stood corrected. M38 seemed a bit 'tighter' and a little fainter than M37. I noted the "smiley face" asterism right away because the visual through the eyepiece made the face look correct (lucky me). For those that don't know the "smiley face" go to M38 in Stellarium (or your favorite program) and look for the two magnitude 6 (6.16 and 6.5) stars to the south. The mouth is off to the west with psi Aur being a member. Next I completed the short trip and moved over to M36 - which in the LP around my house is very faint and compact...but you know what you're looking at.

Overall a nice short night...and with my fever rising again I don't think I could have stayed out much longer.

Here's to clearer nights this weekend when I'll have the energy and time to go to my dark spot.

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