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EQ5 Mount

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Hi everyone

This is my first post. I have been reading other posts and found the advice excellent.

I have seen a few posts similar to mine but not quite the same problem that I am having and I wonder if anyone can help?

I have an EQ5 mount. I polar align it with polaris setting the latitude to the correct setting and make sure that the scope is balanced and level. This is good so far.

Now when I want to view an object (star, planet, etc.) in the sky south I don't know how to spin my scope to face it. As it is pointing up towards the north I cannot swingit around to face South. I assume that I shouldn't move the tripod around as this would negate the whole polar alignment. The scope does not have a horizontal movement as it locates and locks dead on the tripod.

So I only have the RA and Dec movements. Should I be able to swing to face the south with just these two movements?

I feel like such a fool asking such a daft question but I have read and re-read the manual to no avail (and it is a generic manual, not specific to my scope/tripod).

Thank you so much for any help.


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As you turn the scope round on the RA axis you'll find the weight bar comes above the horizontal, then spin the scope round on the DEC axis, so it's pointing the "wrong" way, then turn the scope round on the RA so it's opposite side of the mount.

You can download manuals from Sky Watcher


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No probs Starry - we were all there once - it was 6mths before I found out how to use an eq mount to track properly (didn't have the benefit of SGL in those days).

Loosen off the dec clutch and spin it round 180. Tighten up the clutch then loosen off the RA clutch and tip it over 180. Bingo you're looking south!!

Loosen the tube rings slightly enough to turn the tube and bring the focuser up to a convenient viewing position. :)

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Wow, I have just given it a try and it works perfectly. How easy was that? I feel so stupid now :)

Thanks again to eveyone, it really has given me so much excitement to get this working and being able to download the EQ5 manual is excellent.

It's just such a shame that it is cloudy here now.

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