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First attempt at DS

Sierra Golf Mike

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I don't have expensive kit and no driven mount but I decided to take a leaf out of Tadakun's book trying short exposures. The idea was to take loads and stack them but after 14 the clouds came in, I thought I'd have a go anyway. Here is the result, I know it's **** but it's a start and I'm chuffed at what I got from a camera and tripod.


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Nice to see that this can be achieved without the driven mount, I am taking delivery of the Explorer 200P tomorrow so will only have this and a Canon EOS 450D to work with for a while.

Have you seen any more examples of DS images taken without a driven mount?



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Hey Steve, a great start.

How long were your exposures and what focal length were they taken at?

On a fixed tripod, depending on focal length, you should be able to get upto around 30s exposures. The key then is to take lots and lots, and then some more and stack in DSS.

Its a great feeling isnt it when you see your first image. Keep at it.

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Nice results, especially with just 14 short frames & no tracking mount!

With more exposures you'll be able to bring out even more detail. Ever considered getting an AstroTrac? Seems to be a great idea if you already have a dslr & some lenses, I've seen many many fantastic shots with that setup, so it might be worth a peek.

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Thanks for the kind comments and encouragement guys, as I said the results are not great but I'm enjoying trying to get the best out of the equipment I have.

Scott, other that Takadun I have not seen any with really short exposures.

Digz, exposures 2 secs F5.6 ISO 800 @ 300mm 0n a 70 - 300mm Sigma lens. Someone posted that if you divide 660 by the diameter of your lens (I suspect he meant focal length) then that would be your longest exposure without some sort of drive. I was delighted with the result and look forward to doing more.

Grinde, AstroTrac far too expensive for me at over £800, maybe one day. Thinking about motor drive for my scope then piggyback camera.

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