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GIMP will not open my TIFF file...

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Hi all,

Just processed an image in DSS. To make the image a JPEG I convert it using GIMP but I got this error message today:

Opening 'C:\Users\Peter\Pictures\Scope\Deep Sky\Orion Compilation crop.tif' failed: TIFF image plug-In could not open image

All other TIFF images have opened fine except this one -the only difference is that I used 2 sets of data for this image.

Any ideas?

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I will have to check. IN the mean time I'm using pixillion to convert the TIFF images. Apparently stacking and saving one set of images only solves the issue and allows the image to be opened in GIMP.

This isn't the end of the world as I can convert the image to JPEG and then fiddle in GIMP if I need to. Although I usually only process slightly in DSS.

Thanks for the help

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  • 2 years later...

I had problems opening Tiffs with GIMP at one point. Turned out I had inadvertently created a compressed Tiff which GIMP didn't like at all. 16 bit images do not seem to be a problem as they just get converted to 8 bit when you open them.

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If you can find a package that lets you do what you want in 16 bit that would be much better. The 16 bit files have 65 thousand possible gray levels whereas the 8 bit have only 256. It's easy to lose information when you're processing stuff in 8 bit. You could maybe try pre-process in ImageJ (or Fiji), which opens 16 bit tiffs. You can use that for contrast enhancements, etc. Then do the final touch up in Gimp.

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