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Deneb's Rambling ! Clear, Clouds, Wind & Clouds !


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Those Darn Clouds last night with the wind as well, could not even get a set of decent subs off, im starting to get Astrophotography Withdrawal Symptoms again. Sometimes why do we even bother in this country for dso imaging I really don't know....

But it's that nice MN190 standing proud in the corner whats hanging me in there... for now..

Let's see how Galaxy Season holds up this year, before I take up any ditching ideas..:rolleyes:


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I have heard a rumour it might be clear on 21st June...

I gave up around midnight lastnight woke up at 4 am to clearish skies with a few clouds.. there was a ground frost this morning so it must have stayed clear for a while but now the clouds and drizzle are back again... :rolleyes:

I feel and share your pain :eek:


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