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Bins or Short tube?

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Hi, I am looking to add some wide-field equipment to my small collection, want something portable and quick to set up as local light pollution seems to be getting worse at my new location. Been casual observing for a long time mainly with small bins but things just don't seem so bright these days. The dob delivers but I need some grab and go gear.

I have a Rev 12" dob, bought back in 2005. A very old Meade 4504 with Starfinder Eq mount; I only use this as a finder and laser go-to pointer for the dob. Bresser 10x50 bins. EP collection includes: Rev-32mm-2", Nagler-4 17mm 2", 10mm plossol (1.25), 2x barlow 2".

For use at a nearby darker site I was looking at a set of Rev 20x100 bins or spending more on a Skywatcher ST-150 OTA with 2" diagonal. I am aware of the CA limitations on the ST-150 but I am just looking for low magnification, bright, wide-field views via my 17 and 32mm eyepieces. The old Meade Eq mount is quite strong, I may be able to use it for the ST-150 OTA.

I have no experience of refractors but was wondering how the view through the more expensive ST-150 would compare with the bins. Mainly prefer deep sky viewing to the planets.

Thanks, Tony.

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Hi Tony. I think that short tube achromats are brilliant for low/medium power use.

My ST90 (90mm/500mm) gets down to 15x and 4.75 degree fov, and is great on

objects like the Pleiades. In fact at my clubs recent public open night (when we

magically had a clear sky !) I was showing M42 through our clubs 16" Dob, and my

wife was alongside showing the Pleiades to folk (with my ST90) and guess which view

got more wows from the public. Yep, it was the ST90 view !

A 150 would be great, if well mounted.

It's a tough call whether to go for big bins, but unless they have inclined eyepieces,

they can be hard on the neck, especially when viewing at high elevations, although

there are some solutions to that (sunloungers/mounted bins)

HTH, Ed.

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