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Some viewing at last.


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At last a bit of clear sky in Hull:hello2:

Some cloud toward the horizon but clear else. I was doing some viewing earlier in the evening with Binos. Great views of Pleiades, Orion.

Got my scope out later on for an hour or so and had decent view of Saurn for the first time. I could see te rings quite well using 10mm lens. Even saw a gap beween the rings and planet.

Light pollution was very bad (note to self - Win lottery, buy house in dark sky area:icon_eek:)

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Well done Holderness in seeing some nice objects and you simply can't beat Saturn :rolleyes:, I'm only across the bridge from you and just to let you know there is a new astro society starting up over here on March 7th, if you want any more details about it just send me a pm.

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My stuff arrived yesterday (thanks FLO - you are amazing).

Considering it had been cloudy for over last 3 weeks I didn't keep my hopes up... just assembled the scope and set it out in the backyard to cool down... The thick could was moving slowly but I could notice more and more clear patches through it...

'Hey' - I thought... 'After all I may be lucky tonight'...

Went back inside, had a glass of wine, half an hour passed and not been able to control my excitement I decided to check out the sky... - 'Hooolllly s*&*'!!!!! (...I don't remember ever being so excited about clear-night sky...).

I decided to have a look at Betelgeuse then slewed over to Pleiades!

It was magic! Considering the poor eyepieces I have (supplied with the scope) and the light pollution (I'm in the city) I was still amazed by the view!!!

I can certainly see the potential of this 130p and what it will be capable of, once I 'armed' it with my next purchase (Baader Hyperion) and took it to the countryside :rolleyes:

Magic night!!!

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