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Brightest nebulae?

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I haven't had much luck with nebulae - aside from planetary nebulae, all I've managed to see is M42/M43. Are there any other bright nebulae in the range of my 100mm telescope (used under strong light pollution)?

Also, will a UHC filter help with all types of emission nebulae, or do I need an OIII filter for viewing planetary nebulae?

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Under strong light pollution the selection is rather limited. The bright planetaries such as M57 (the Ring) and M27 (the Dumbell) are probably the best bet. Both good Summer objects and will be enhanced by UHC and O-III filters.

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Your 100mm scope is easy to transport, so what about a dark site in your area. Is there a sutable place handy for you? Not an Ideal solution I agree, but at least you could tick a few Nebs. off each trip.

I will add that it's best to have company of a couple of friends if you do go off somwwhere. Best to be on the safe side.:glasses1:


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Thanks. There are no real dark sites around Amsterdam, get out in the country and you have greenhouses with lights blasting away... I've seen most bright planetaries - I only have to add M97 when it gets a bit higher later this year.

I get quite good views of M42 despite the light pollution. I have to use high magnification for contrast though.

So there is nothing with a similar surface brightness? My understanding is that the surface brightness of an object does not decrease with distance, so I would have expected other nebulae to at least match Orion's intensity, if not its angular size.

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NGC 7023 ... The Iris Nebula? - that's one of the ones I haven't been able to find!

Maybe I just have specific kind of color-blindness preventing me from seeing Ha and OIII light.

...although the Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula, so there goes that theory.

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I have some regular guests from around Amsterdam. They go north, I think, up the coast. There is a club there but I don't know the name. You may already know of it but if not send me a PM and I will put you in touch.

They hate tomatoes because of the orange tunnels!


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