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sidereal rate on an EQ1?


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I'm trying to use an EQ1 mount for my DSLR taking wide angle long exposures. The 9V motor on the EQ1 has a potentiometer to control the speed of the motor (rather unhelpfully!). Does anyone know at what setting sidereal rate is? Is it the slowest speed? The fastest? Or somewhere inbetween?

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BUT what is "crystal controlled


The speed of the motor has to be accurate to give good tracking.

The best way to achive this is with an electronics board which drives the motor.

The rate at which this board turns the motor is determined by a crystal which has been

cut to work at the correct frequency .

Within reason the motor will turn at a very stable rate due to the stability of this crystal. :D

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With you right up to here! Then all misty

I've been misty for years :D

If you get a piece of quartz crystal and stick a voltage across it

it oscillates or resonates at it's own natural frequency.

If you then sand off some of it's thickness, it will resonate at a

different frequency.

So, they work out the correct frequency for the motor driver

and then choose from a range of off the shelf crystals.

Very stable beasties they are. 8)

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