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Another disaster.

Jeff RV

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Clear skies!No problem, Focused image's big problem. Single shot taken with ETX70AT using Hartman mask just to focus FL350mm using Meade DeepSky Imager, Can't seem to get any better focus (its not been processed)but when i look through scope it's as clear as a bell?.

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Its possible Ian but i think it may be a problem with the DSI the imager as this a one shot image and should yield a bit of sharp detail somewhere even if the detph of field was a problem but at infinity! But looking on the bright side(no dust bunnies thanks to you guy's & girls). Can i borrow your camara Caz.Cheers Jeff.

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It's not a disaster, it's a learning experience. How easy does the Hartman mask make it for you? I've never used one in conjunction with a camera, or pointing at the Moon. Perhaps you can focus on a bright star using the Hartman mask and the camera, then point at the Moon. That might do it for you. That is what I did with my ep when I wanted good focus on the Moon or planets for visual purposes. Once you get the star in focus, resist the temptation to tweak the focus when you go to the Moon.

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Hi WH, Its only a homemade one for the 70mm it's got 2 round holes and 1 triangler so it tells me what side of focus i'm at,It works quite good but i did focus on a star an not the moon as i could'nt get it to work on moon, yes i may have had a little tweak when i zeroed on the moon it did'nt look right! But i'll av another go this time as you suggest and no tweaking. I think i may make one for the 12" as well let you know what happens......Cheers all....Jeff.

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