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EP for Bino and Equinox ED 80 ?

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Hi all !

The main EP I'm using at the moment are 18 mm Astro Tech Paradigm EP. They are great, but I'm very far from the max magnification I can expect on my Equinox with them, even with the Maxbright bino and a x2,6 glasspath. This setup with magnification makes them equivalent to 8mm EP.

This will give me a x62 magnification. At best I should be able to reach x160.

So the question is does it makes sense for me to go for a pair of 4 mm EP ? In this case what would you suggest ? I like big eye relief and rather wide angle EP on a budget I'd say...

Thanx for your input !

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Yes indeed. I guess 2,6 glasspath + the bino itself work as a more or less 3x barlow. So reaching 4mm through this setup would get me +- 8/9 mm EP for maximum magnification.

But I'm wondering if the "ghost" effect a lot of us seem to have on the 2,6 glasspath isn't enhanced on smaller EPs...

Has anyone any experience with this setup ? I guess if 25 mm EP are suggested for these binos, there must be a reason ?

Do I make sense ?

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