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Cloudy and windy

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Hi all

Have knocked down my friend to get a good price for the Neximager.... have been licking my lips so to speak itching to give it an airing tonight, tried it out during the day on a land object..mmm, not bad, unfortunately the skies have closed where i am and the wind is picking up so not good. Looks like to me its a brian cox night on dvd instead, its a shame this guy wasn't around years ago when i first started looking, my son is 7 and is so captivated by him, lets hope theres a new gen of astronomers to follow, unless of course prices go up with the added interest of course!! have to wait and see i suppose.


P.s thank you all for your welcomes, its so nice to be involved in a community of people thar actually do care and give sound advice.


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Hi Marcus,

I can't believe how much effect 'Stargazers Live' actualy had on people!

Personaly I didn't think it to be all that good, and thought to myself this would put more people off the hobby that intrest them, given that they only had, what one night clear out of the three?

But it looks like it has done the reverse! Which is great news! It just showes what prime-time tv can do...

Anyway I am glad you feel at home here, and i'm glad your son is taking an intrest too! I agree that Brian Cox has certain persona about him that excites people about the hobby. It's a good thing.

Keep it up Marcus and I hope you get a clear night soon!


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yeh it was only one nite, and they missed a crackin meteor, although it was captured on camera. My son plays them over and over, think schools should adopt this method of getting the kids outside, not sure if it exists, certainly doesnt around here!

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