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NGC 2655 SN2011b more subs added

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After a quick process at 4am I decided to let the mount and software do its thing and have added a few more subs to my image posted earlier,which came out a bit dark again hopefully this is better as I've processed them a bit on the lighter side on my PC

Let me now if it is better please

Ths time 27 x 300 s subs with the Tak FS102 SX9h

Below I took a couple of subs of the galaxy at the side of NGC 2655 by mistake

that one is NGC2715





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Now I am envious. I would love to be able to capture special events I've seen. I prefer seeing with my own eyes but they instantly become memories that can soon be forgotten :):crybaby2: I did consider having a go at drawing but I'm no artist and my stars would probably end up in the wrong places.

Great image!


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I did consider having a go at drawing but I'm no artist and my stars would probably end up in the wrong places.

I didn't think I could draw either. I had a go at drawing the SN after I saw it, and my first astronomical sketch turned out very well (in my opinion, anyway). Have a go - it is suprisingly easy to get a sketch which at least serves as a memory of what it was like. Here are my attempts:


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