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synscan goto upgrade for EQ 3.2?

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hey guys, im very interested in goto upgrade for my skywatcher 150PL (1200mm) on EQ3.2 mount

the item im looking at is SkyWatcher SynScan PRO GOTO Upgrade Kit For EQ3-2 Mount

anybody have any experience with this upgrade, and how well it goes with the eq3.2?

i have been manually tracking lately and very fiddly to keep some things in the focul view,

this is something i really want to get,

opinions welcome plz

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In truth the minimum mount for imaging is an HEQ5 because of the need for rigidity and to track accurately with the potential weight of imaging gear. I mention this because I noticed that from your signature, imaging is something you're appear to be interested in. If I'm honest, its a fair bit of money to add on to what will always be a small mount and if imaging is where you want to go, I would save the money instead and put it towards a used HEQ5. You could just add a RA motor for tracking now, which would be cheaper and solve the problem of objects slipping out of view.

A lot of people buy kit and keep adding to it rather than stepping back and making a decision as to where they want to go and then focus on how to get there. It is very tempting to bolt an extra on here and something else there but it works out a lot more expensive in the end. I'm just trying to save you some money!;):

Clear skies


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Thanks for you reply, and yes imaging is something i really want to get into,so instead of spending £295 on the upgrade kit, u think i should just keep it back and hold out for EQ5?

i was looking at jupiter this evening, was ok with a 25mm eyepiece and barlow, but when i started going down to 10mm and 6.3mm it was real hard to keep the planet in the view, was a matter of seconds before it was gone, and had to try and keep it there.

i ideally want syn scan goto, not just because im lazy, which tbh i'am.. i done the whole tracking stuff by hand, star hopping etcetc, and now im rdy to go with automated tracking,would it not be possible to keep the eq3.2 , get rid of the tripod for more sturdy steel legs maybe rather than the aluminium ones, and then go for the upgrade kit? just trying to save myself money too.

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I would opt for the EQ-5 Goto which is typicaly £450 which compared to the £300 for the upgrade kit for the 3-2 would be your better bet for £150 more than what you intend to pay IMO. This should easily take the weight of the 150P you have and a small tracking scope or camera body IMO.

However the mount James is suggested is the upgraded EQ-5 and would handle a lot more add-on weight - BUT then it is typically £730 - Nice but almost 2.5x your original budget !

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I would opt for the EQ-5 Goto which is typicaly £450 which compared to the £300 for the upgrade kit for the 3-2 would be your better bet for £150 more than what you intend to pay IMO. This should easily take the weight of the 150P you have and a small tracking scope or camera body IMO.

However the mount James is suggested is the upgraded EQ-5 and would handle a lot more add-on weight - BUT then it is typically £730 - Nice but almost 2.5x your original budget !

Just to correct you, the HEQ5 is a scaled down version of the EQ6 not a beefed up EQ5.


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I would opt for the EQ-5 Goto which is typicaly £450 which compared to the £300 for the upgrade kit for the 3-2 would be your better bet for £150 more than what you intend to pay IMO. This should easily take the weight of the 150P you have and a small tracking scope or camera body IMO.

However the mount James is suggested is the upgraded EQ-5 and would handle a lot more add-on weight - BUT then it is typically £730 - Nice but almost 2.5x your original budget !

Especially given that a EQ3-2 in excellent nick with a polar scope can be put up on here for £120 and someone will bite your hand off.

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Especially given that a EQ3-2 in excellent nick with a polar scope can be put up on here for £120 and someone will bite your hand off.

Very good point... I was also going to add that some shops may PX the EQ3, but the OP would probably get a better price selling it privately

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I started imaging with an eq3/2 and to be honest it was a bit of a waste of time in terms of the images i got. Although i did learn a lot in the process. When i got an eq6 instead things have been much better. So i'd vote for a total change of mount too.

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