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Canon 1000d quibble...

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I've only had my camera for a few months now and I've been enjoying using it, but the other night it started doing something rather odd... I had the camera outside with my scope in the cold for over an hour. Whenever I pressed the shutter release button, the "live view" image would not appear on the screen, the screen simply went black for a few seconds as I heard the flip-mirror moving, and then the menu reappeared! If I switched the camera off for a 10 seconds or so and then switched it back on, it was fine!?!

Today it has started doing the same thing. I've noticed that when I try and view my images on the sd card while tilting the camera sideways or forwards, the screen goes black for a few seconds and then comes back on again. Also, I hear a very light sounding 'click' noise before it does this?!? ;)

I hope this is not a sign of worse things to come as the camera body is practically brand new. :p

Can anyone help? :D



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Sounds a little suspect. If you bought it new it should still be under warranty so I would return it before the problem gets worse.

I wonder if some moisture got in somewhere,although that doesn't account for the clicking noise you hear.

Sorry not much help!!

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It's possibly the memory card door not closing properly. I have an old Canon Powershot G2 which does the same. I'm not sure about the EOS 1000D but it might be similar, it could also be the battery compartment door (if it has a seperate one) Hope this helps....Good Luck

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To get live view you press the set button, not the shutter release - I suspect you were taking a short photo! The delay was the camera saving the picture.

Not sure about the other "click" unless it is something to do with the image "autorotate" sensor?

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The cold is a battery killer and the camera seems to like more voltage from the battery when its cold so its a bit of a double whammy...

I ran my camera outside last night with one of the battery eliminators taht I make for myslef and had it set to 7.6V which was showing as one bar on the battery meter... in wqarmer weatehr this shows as one bar down from the top...

Sometimes the extra current draw for the display is enough to cause the battery voltage to drop causing the camera to reset...

I have also suffered from the Card and Battery door issues from time to time...


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Thanks Peter, but that does not explain why it was doing it today, and I was indoors taking a few pics of the nice sunset from my bedroom window?! Possible battery compartment door/memory card issue... I've got no idea.

I bought the camera from fleabay!



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I'm just having a look on mine .. on the SD card door there a "contact" towards the bottom edge... and on the battery compartment there a little black push tab to the left of the white battery retaining clip...

If the camera detects either of these are open it will either shut down if its already on or refuse to turn on if it isn't

What batteries are you using are they canon originals or ebay clones?


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I have a lot of scopes and mounts as well.. and the Nikons are my main Terestrial Photography Cameras...

I also get given them from time to time .. like the Konika Minolata 5D I was given that when KM pulled out of the DSLR Market so the shop felt they couldnt sell it to a new customer if it wasnt goign to be supported They knew I had Minolta kit from my 35mm days and its compatible with it so they let me have it FOC...

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