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I know a few people use Nebulosity 2 for image capture and I'm wondering if you have noticed the same thing as me when taking flats?

I use an EL panel, so in theory the light output should be constant, when I set up to take a set of flats I use the 'preview' function and pixel stats to set the exposure time. So say I get a reading of 22000 ADU for 5 seconds, I then set it to run for 30 exposures and hit the 'capture series' button the subs then come in at way less ADU than the single capture so I have to abort the series and adjust the time up by a .5 second or so to gain the extra signal....Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have also noticed that. It does appear to be, as TJ said, binned without the binning. I havent tried to find a setting to change it as I will just do one capture after I do the preview to see the difference and adjust as you do. Craig is pretty good about responding in response to questions - you might want to shoot him a message and see whether or not there is a simple setting change that can fix it for you.

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