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Thoughts on an eyepiece for a StarTravel 102

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So firstly a hello to everyone, I will do a proper introduction in the proper place soon.

I have a StarTravel 102 short tube refractor, I have the eyepieces that came with it and a set of eyepieces that were in a deal back in 2008 (the set I see offered now looks different as mine did not come with a torch etc. just eyepieces and filters) I imagine the set is not that much better than the ones included with my scope.

From my reading I have realised that with a fast scope like mine I need to get a better quality eyepiece to enjoy it. From my reading I think the 11mm TeleVue Plossl is a good place to start, I am on a shoestring budget so new eyepieces will be few and far between.

I hesitate as I wonder whether the 15mm is a better choice for the scope? Any way let me know your thoughts.

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It is hard to say what improvements I am looking for as it has been over 2 years since I looked down my scope, as it is not currently in the same country as me.

So lets look at both Planetary and DSO.

For planetary :

my thoughts are the Televue 11mm Pl is probably good for that, I have seen circle T Ortho's around for cheaper and people seem to rave about them, not sure what the best focal length is here.

For DSO :

I think this is a more complicated one as there are different categories of viewing within this, here I have come across a Rigel 2" 32mm 70deg (claimed to be the same specs as Skywatcher 32mm Panaview which is liked too) for £32 or £63 with Skywatcher 2" ED 2x Barlow. Though I wonder whether 32mm is too much as the people liking this EP had longer f.l scopes.

Any way please correct any misconceptions I have as I only briefly used (6months sporadically) my telescope before I started moving all over the place so I am really a beginner. I believe my Scope is more suited for rich field viewing so maybe I should start there for improving my eyepiece collection. It will certainly be 3-6months before I get another EP.

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With a fast achromat, of modest (though fine!) qualities, I restricted my quest to mid-priced eyepieces. An obvious(?) upgrade to the scope was a 2" diagonal. A while ago, Baader Hyperions seemed a good match for the ST102. With price increases, and introduction of NEWER competition, I'd re-appraise that thinking? A £50-60 eyepiece (bit better than the default!) seems commensurate. At longer focal length and lower powers (where the scope excels) one might spend a bit more on a wide-angle 30-something mm, 70+ deg mid-priced eyepiece? Not e.g. an Ethos, though such may be a future investment... :)

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Thanks for the tips, I think I will buy the second hand SWA 32mm as it is £50ish new and many people say it is very good bang for buck. I am not so sure about the Barlow lens that can be purchased with it, again it is rated well and def. a big step up on my stock one but will I use it? (£32 is a lot for me right now so it has to be useful enough)

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Ok so I think that second hand opportunity has passed me by, which means that I have no rush to buy anything today as my Telescope wont be here with me in Prague until April. So I thought I could plan out my long term purchase plan. So as my views will only be as good as my weakest link a Star diagonal and Barlow are in order. The theme I am going for is "best bang for buck".

Low Power Wide EP : Adler Optik Skarp 32mm 2" fit 5 element SWA Eyepiece -
Higher Power more for planetary : 1.25" 6mm 58 Degree TMB designed Planetary eyepiece -
Star Diagonal : ? maybe
Barlow : ?

With each of these items I am open to recommendations, if anyone has experience with them it would be great to hear about it. Particularly with the Barlow and diagonal I am not sure how much is gained as I spend more money on them.

If I was to buy 1 item at a time it would be in this order (unless another is recomended) :

Wide angle EP
Star Diagonal
Planetary EP

ps. sorry for the double post

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