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Scope Advice Please

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I did post this the other day on the beginner forum ( I think ) but it soon dropped off the first page with all the other new people joining recently.

So, I'm saving up for a scope.

I looked originally at a 8" dobs. That would actually suit me for viewing, but I know I'll want to move on to imaging with my digital camera so I wonder if there are better options.

I am prepared to wait and save up the pennies until I can get something that will do even more, although there will come a point of dimishing returns as I spend more money when I look at how often I'm going to use the scope.

So I'm wondering now about saving up for this beast

Reflectors - Skywatcher Explorer 300P DS NEQ6 PRO

What I'm struggling to find out is what certain objects would look like with a certain scope, aperture and eyepiece, so I'd like to know the difference between what I'm likely to see between that one and say this

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian

Is there any reference that can help with this?


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What I'm struggling to find out is what certain objects would look like with a certain scope, aperture and eyepiece, so I'd like to know the difference between what I'm likely to see between that one and say this

I think the best way to do this is to go to a local astronomical society and see whether anyone has one of these for you to try out. What you can see will depends on you area, so what the scope will show you on a dark site will be different to what you can get in the suburb.

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well thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback.

Not sure what to make of it now.

Rossco - to confirm, you're saying either more sturdy mount or smaller scope to get the stability for photography? And isn't the NEQ6 sufficient - I thought I'd read somewhere that that was recommended (tell me if I'm wrong).

Taking a step backwards now, is there any review sites that will actually show me images of objects as seen through a particular scope. So, ignore the photography aspect for now, what will I actually see with a Explorer 300P or a skyliner 200P dobs?

I get the fact that eyepieces are a factor, but I kind of want to start with 'this is what you get in the kit that comes with your scope and this is what you'll see with it', then from there I can look at how much better a particular eyepiece will be and move onto the photography stuff from there.

I don't really see the point in buying something and then being disappointed, and be stuck and not able to upgrade it.

Does that make sense. Apologies, but I just can't seem to find what I need.

If I need to speak to people at a local club then fair enough, but I'm sure this info must also be in the brains of the SGL members or on t'internet somewhere


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It is very hard to produce a photo which looks like an eyepiece view. Stars are much smaller and sharper at the eyepiece than in images and nebulae are far more visible images than the eyepiece. Your best bet is to get to see through some kit at star parties or astro socs.

The EQ6 would struggle with a 300 mm scope in visual use and for imaging it would probably be a disaster because you need a rock solid tracking mount. I sometimes put a 250mm SCT on our EQ sixes and that is plenty.

The difference between 200mm and 300mm is significant and most striking on faint objects. Don't imagine the planets will get any bigger though. It isn't like that. They will show a tiny bit more detail in the language of normal people. Those into astronomy would call it a big improvement because we tend to have a different scale of values after a while. Bear this in mind when reading what forum regulars say.

You might be surprised and dismayed by the sheer size of some of the scopes out there. Dobs are the most compact and easiest to store. They just look like large umbrella stands when asleep.


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Thanks Olly. Good information there

You say that a EQ6 would struggle with a 300 even for visual, but thats pairing they are selling on the FLO site.

Is it just a case of looking at how much weight a mount can handle?

The weight predominantly, but the 300 is also a big beastie if it's out in the open. You might get away with it in an obsy or VERY sheltered location with no wind.

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"CCDCalc" is a stand alone software tool that will give you image sizes through different scopes and cameras. I agree with the above advice - a 300P on Neq6 mount is gonna give you problems - also the 200P is a great size for a first scope but for photography is wasted on the dob base.

Really the mounts are the wrong way round (imho) - the 300P on a dob base or the 200P on Neq6 would be more sensible to my mind - certainly from a weight and tracking point of view.

Generally with dobs - go for the biggest aperture in budget, for EQ get the right mount for the scope weight and size. And for photography an EQ mount is the most appropriate :icon_eek:

(Be advised though - astro imaging is very expensive)

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