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Celestron Advanced C6 S-GT


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I've now decided to buy this set up as I would like to fit my DSLR and this has more of a substantial mount than the 6SE

I'm slowly learning thanks to this forum and it's really been worth while joining. I've today joined an observing club in my area as well so I can now get practical experience .

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The CG5 is slightly more complicated to use than the SE mount, but not particularly difficult. I think I'm correct in saying that it uses the same SkyAlign GoTo software, so that will be familiar, although using a GEM mount is a little bit more complicated than an AltAz mount. However, if you want to get into astrophotography you are likely to want to eventually autoguide the mount and the CG5 isn't the easiest to use in this regard. Go for a HEQ5 Pro if you can afford it (I've owned SE, CG5 and HEQ5 mounts in the past).

Hope that helps.


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by quicker set up, I meant you just need to polar align it and it's good to go. It will track objects as long as you know where they are. Obviously, the 3 star alignment that enables go to will take just as long as one on an Alt-az, but then the alt-az won't track unless aligned.

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Martin, I am just waiting for some clear weather in order to get into guiding with PHD.

I have a CG5GT but you say there are difficulties with this mount and autoguiding. Can you give me some hints in this respect please.


Hi Ron,

I'm afraid it was a pal of mine that tried this and had problems. From what i recall, he said that the guiding kept jumping (and subsequently losing the guide star) at equal intervals and presumed it was an imperfection in the gears. All you have to do is listen to a CG5 and a HEQ5 to hear the differences in engineering between the mounts. Sorry I can't be more help than that.

Cheers, Martin

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Have a look on the used market, C6 and CG5 turn up quite often (separately), about once every other month. Have you asked which part is on back order and whether you can get the mount and OTA separately.

Alternatively OTA to C6

Skywatcher Skymax-150

ED80 of some description

Celestron Omni 102ED on FLO

Altair Astro 8" f4 astrograph with MPCC corrector.

GSO 6" f9 Ritchey Chretien

The mak and 102ED should be good for planets, the ED80 for rich field, while the last 2 are DSO imaging scopes. All cost about the same as a C6

Alternative mounts to CG5-GT

EQ5 Synscan (said to be very slightly weaker than CG5)

HEQ5 Synterk (No GOTO, cost £80 more, but better load bearing)

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Seeing as the Celestron C6 S-GT is on a very long back order I'm now looking at the Celestron CPC 800 GPS (XLT) more money but.......it's available

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