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New scope!!

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HI guys, first of all id like to say thanks for all the help youve all given to me the last week and a half. As most of you know i ordered a telescope last tuesday, well my Skywatcher skyliner 250px Dob finally arrived today. Ive set it up and it looks great, just so you know it comes with a super 10mm and a super 25mm eyepiece. Unfortunately its cloudy and raining tonight, i guess after the last 2 clear nights a 3rd would have been asking for too much. But ill try it hopefully this week and post a review.

But i need some help mostly to do with keeping it in good condition.

1. Where should i store it and how? my house has an unfinished extension where i could keep it in the box, its cold so could prove useful but there is a fair bit of dust. I could put it inside our locked shed? or i can keep it inside the house.

2. Is there anything i need to do to keep it in good condition? or is it just get it out use it and put it away again or do i need to do stuff?

3. Do you think it will need to be collimated? surely not straight from delivery?

I think thats it, for now lol :)



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Hi Sammy,

That's the scope the experts on here advised me to get, so I'll be interested to hear what you think of it before I take the plunge.

I'm worried once I've looked at Jupiter, and the usual "M's", my interest will wane and I'll have spent £500 for nothing. Having said that, when I go outside on a clear night and look skywards, I think - "I must get that scope" !!

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£500? i got it for £398, you should check that. Trust me if you have an interest in astronomy then ill be surprised if you see something literally out of this world and get bored. Things change all the time especially jupiter eg the bands disapear which is incredible you may see new things like nebula... i can see im not going to regret it already and im sure you wont.

As soon as i test it ill let you know,but for now it seems good, its not amazingly high quality with the dob mount being wooden and other things just basic stuff but thats why you are getting it cheap, its all in the aperture. But 1st impressions for the price i paid are great!

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Hi Sammy, that is a great scope you got and you will have some very good views with it.

I have the 200P Dob and love it, all i can say is get a 32mm (at least) eye piece, this will help with deep space as it gives you a bigger field of view and a Telrad finder, this makes finding objects 100% better, best thing i ever bought.

Then just do what i done (doing) get a selection of eye piece's as and when you can afford them, all mine came from the "for sell" section of this site.

As for storage, your extension sounds good as it cold as long as you can keep the dust of it, mines in the house but have to always let it cool when i use it, but this is normal anyway for good viewing.

To keep it it good condition, just look after it, avoid knocks, drops etc and keep the dust covers on when not used, not much elese you can do really.

Collimation, yes! when i built mine it was way out, it has been put in a box and driven around in various vans/lorrys and ships, it will be out!, dont be put of doing this take your time it's not that bad to do, i do mine before each session, but i do put it in the car and travel up a bumpy lane to use it and it does move a bit when i get it home, not a lot but a bit.

Hope this helps and enjoy your scope, i think you will

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