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EQ6 Pro mount- help needed

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I had a budget and it would have gone over with having to get it serviced and the bent screw removed. Im happy with the outcome and going to get something alttle simpler

Thanks for all you comments and help guys

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Sounds fair enough :) I, for one, understand budgets :evil6:

Not sure why you were convinced it needed servicing, though.

Anywho...onwards, and I'll look forward to reports of your new scope.

BTW: Did you sell the scope too? Not after it but just wondering?

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The EQ6-PRO is one of the best mounts on the market but all this amounts to nothing if it isn't going to serve your needs. If you made a profit then you are at no real loss as you can now look to getting a scope you will actually be comfortable using. I have read no end of threads where people can't be bothered with the hassles of lugging a large scope in and out side and others complain that due to back problems it is impractical. As a beginner myself and for what it's worth IMHO a 250PDS on a EQ6 is better suited to a permanent Obsy setup but hardened astronomers will happily use them out in the field with no real problems as it's like second nature to them.

Now you have a bit extra cash in the bank and a little more knowledge you can take a look at your options. Do you still have the OTA as you may be able knock up a lazy Susan cradle and use it as a dobsonian ??

What ever you decide to go for I'm sure you will be happy that you can finally get under the skies and I wish you all the best.


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Sounds fair enough :) I, for one, understand budgets :evil6:

Not sure why you were convinced it needed servicing, though.

Anywho...onwards, and I'll look forward to reports of your new scope.

BTW: Did you sell the scope too? Not after it but just wondering?

I sold it to Astro Baby with no regrets . I'm going on holiday next week where I will be meeting up with another forum member in Tenerife and when I'm back I'll place my order

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I' like to just say lest anyone consider me an opportunist spiv I did try and talk Supercharged out if selling this, I pointed out that ALL scopes have a large learning curve for the beginner and tha he had netted a bargain he would be silly to sell on.

SCs opnion thugh was that the scope was far too big for him to handle and far too complex, he felt what was needed was a smaller physical size and something that could be dumped onto the patio and be ready to go in a few minutes.

I suggested a Nexstar because they are probably the simplest for the beginner to get to grips with, compact and have good optics so would tick the boxes.

I also told SC that rather then sell for a small price he would get a better price on somewhere like ABS or ebay but he felt he just wanted out. People who know me know I am not driven by cash but when offfered the this combo at an attractive price I couldnt reallt turn it down especially as I would be close go the Pick up point very quickly due to a previous engagement.

I'd like to think that everyone wins in this, SC got a hundred quid for not doing very much, I get a larger scope and an EQ6 to create a hyertune guide with ( which will be dkne as soon as I can ) and eventually the mount will sell back to the community fully repaired at a fair price.

By the way, the altitude adjuster is well ans truly wreccked locking the mount at 30' and will I suspect need drilling out and a helicoil fitted. The motors are binding super bad requiring at minimum woem adjustment. While I would agree these are not rocket science I also understand tha not everyone has the technical skills to do this. I did offer SC a deal to repaif the mojnt but he felt the whole package was not what he wanted.

By the way the scopes way out od collimation, and again while this is a skill for a beginner to learn its a bit much for a rank tyro to take on board, collimation, tuning an EQ6 etc would floor most people when starting out especially when they are limited on time and just want to see some stars.

Having lugged this beast home last night made me realise though just why I always tell people to go no larger than the 200 for portable and stick with the HEQ5, I damn nearly gave myself a hernia getting this beast up endless flights if stairs.

Anyway I onlh posted this because I woud truly hate the community to think I was in some way cheating a beginner which I would never do.

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I willingly let AB have the set up as I did not want to spend anymore money getting it repaired and the amount of times she tried to persude me to keep it i've actually lost count. I,m not stupid I know this was an expsensive piece of kit but in my hands in a broken state was only fit for the trash.

Sometimes when something seems to good to be true it usually is !! Im happy as AB said I made £100 and will be ordering a Celestron NexStar 8SE shortly.

Thanks again Mel

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Guys, you don't have to defend something that went on privately between you guys. :evil6: I certainly wasn't alluding to anything untoward by AB...no way :). Just a little friendly concern that a member didn't give it a go.

Nobody thinks anything...I can vouch for myself on that. *thumbs up*

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Guys, you don't have to defend something that went on privately between you guys. :evil6: I certainly wasn't alluding to anything untoward by AB...no way :). Just a little friendly concern that a member didn't give it a go.

Nobody thinks anything...I can vouch for myself on that. *thumbs up*


I know Astro_baby is 100% genuine as has helped me out when I needed it so I don't see why you feel you should justify yourself. Also your reviews and website has been a great help to me Thank you for taking the time to set it up :eek:

As for Supercharged you made yourself a quick profit and now you can get a scope that will be more beginner friendly.

The seller sold the combo made his money and has space in the loft, SC made a quick buck and will soon have a new scope on the way, and the combo has gone to a good home.......Sounds to me everyones a winner. :eek:


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you may find this book useful it gives you a few tips and tricks to setting up the nexstar and if necessary how to strip it down if it goes wrong sometime in the far future just about all you need to know about the nexstar The NexStar User's Guide Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series: Amazon.co.uk: Michael Swanson: Books I hope you enjoy your new scope, I love mine

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