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Guiding setup connections


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Trying to workout if I need a USB hub or not for guiding.

I have the HEQ5 Synscan so am thinking of using that in "PC Direct" mode with EQMod and PHD.

I'm about to get a QHY5 for guiding using my finderscope, however I'm not sure the connection setup.

1. Do I need the HC and QHY5 connected to my laptop, and QHY5 st-4 connected to the mount's st-4 port?

2. Or either the HC or QHY5 connected to my laptop and QHY5 st-4 connected to the mount's st-4 port?

My laptop only has one USB port that is being used by my DSLR, so if I can use just the HC serial connect that would be good.



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Looks like you're going to need a USB hub. QHY5 needs a USB connection to your laptop, plus your DSLR. Make sure you get a powered USB hub if you're getting one, might not be absolutely necessary now but, it may help later on.

You can use the ST4 connection on the QHY5 or ASCOM pulse guiding through EQMOD if you plan to use it.

Single USB port on a laptop does sound a bit unsual though.

hope this helps


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The benefit of a hub, you can stick it on the mount, run all the cables to that from the mounted kit, keeping it neat and tidy, less likely to snag etc, then run a single cable to the puter.I've just set that up myself, having been using 4 ports on the laptop till now. Has the added benefit of not getting in a mess with drivers as you won't be plugging them into the wrong port either.

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The benefit of a hub, you can stick it on the mount, run all the cables to that from the mounted kit, keeping it neat and tidy, less likely to snag etc, then run a single cable to the puter.I've just set that up myself, having been using 4 ports on the laptop till now. Has the added benefit of not getting in a mess with drivers as you won't be plugging them into the wrong port either.

I was thinkiing about the hub approach, however the laptop only has a USB 1.1 port, so even if I buy a USB 2.0 hub, it will only effectively be running at 1.1.

Unless I buy the PCMCIA card and hub of course :eek:

However that is another £30, and the price of a cheap netbook is starting to get closer..........

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