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Startrails over snowy Beannachar

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This little set was actually taken on 23rd December, but I've only just got round to processing it. While I'm about it, I'll wish SGL a very Happy 2011, with lots of clear dark skies!

I only got 6 exposures of three minutes before clouds took over. The colour was difficult to balance, with a mixture of lighting in the scene. For this reason, I have attached a monochrome one, which I think works better.

In the sky, there is Orion rising to the lower left, while the Heiades and Pleiades dominate the upper left quadrant. Two bright, almost identical plane tracks, and a third fainter one, streak across the scene.





Time: 8-8.20pm, 23rd December 2010

Camera: Canon 450D with Sigma 17-70mm lens at 17mm

Exposure: 6x 180 secs. at f/4, ISO 200

Processing: stacked in "Startrails", post processed in Photoshop CS3

Hope you like!


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Thanks Ron,

It was actually a security light caused by me :(. Some of the frames were not affected and are quite dark, just lit by Aberdeen's skyglow. I'm trying to superimpose the dark ones, but it's proving tricky...

Looking over the set again, I found this frame. A car went by, and caused a magnificent lens flare, with a rainbow effect top right - rather cool I thought, especially with Orion nicely framed between the trees.



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Thanks Ron,

It was actually a security light caused by me :). Some of the frames were not affected and are quite dark, just lit by Aberdeen's skyglow. I'm trying to superimpose the dark ones, but it's proving tricky...

Looking over the set again, I found this frame. A car went by, and caused a magnificent lens flare, with a rainbow effect top right - rather cool I thought, especially with Orion nicely framed between the trees.


That gives an attractive, but surreal look to the whole scene.


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