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len's for a canon EOS

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hey guys well you probally noticed from another thread i was saved from spending money which in the long run wouldnt be any difference than the price of a new one

well i bought a cheap 300d (with the intention of modding it eventually when iv upgraded)

but on the talk of lens's iv read a really good thread where the use of a EOS - m42 thread adapter where the m42 lens's are quite good quaility

but theres a few things in confused at the difference between prime, telephoto and "normal"

iv found a nice prime lens on ebay a helios are these any good i cant afford lots and lots at present cos of xmas ect but i was wondering about some help id like the lens's primarially for wide view, close view and maybe one for normal daytime use

my budget really is tight around the £50 mark i no thats quite tight

thanks for any help guys

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I had the same budget. Bought the 300D for £70 and then had a budget of £50 for the lenses. Initially i bought a Canon 50mm F1.8 II for the whole £50 but found that limiting really for both day and night......great lens though.

So picked up a Canon 18-55mm kit lens on Ebay for £25 delivered. That was the daytime sorted for now.

The remaining £25 i used to buy the EOS to M42 adapter for a couple of quid. A 135mm Prinzflex telephoto for £5, a Soligor 35mm for £4 and a 200mm telephoto for £8. Have a fiver left for a 28mm.

So far only used the 135mm, which i love. Just the job for night time use. Hoping the other two will be just as successful but nothing really lost if they are not.

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thanks russ :) i really really like thoese pictures how long were the exposures? thas fantastic howw such old lens's can give such fantascit results!

im going to try win that got my eye on another helios (above) as well if i win them both!

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The North American Nebula was 17 x 59 second exposures with the camera at 1600iso. And a basic driven EQ5 used as the platform.

Auriga with Comet Hartley was a single 59sec exposure at 1600iso.


I'm over the moon with the lens for such little money. I bought a new Canon 75-300 zoom last time out with a 300D and the results were not so good, yet it cost 30x more. So it was a real delight to see such good results from a lens that cost the same as one issue of Sky at Night magazine.

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Focus is critical. If you can run your camera via a PC then you can use a Full Width Half Max measuring software which will be vastly more accurate than estimation based on looking at stellar images. I am not a DSLR imager but I am sure that those who are will recommend a suitable software - assuming you are up for having a PC in the field. When shooting via a camera lens in CCD imaging I use FWHM every time, taking 3 sec subs on a moderate star.

BTW a Prime lens just means one of fixed focal length, ie non-zoom.


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