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Swapping my SW ST80 for a William Optics Megrez 72


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Hello everybody, I'm thinking of selling my SW ST80 guide scope and buying a William Optics Megrez 72 that FLO have on offer at the moment William Optics - William Optics Megrez 72 Original Model, this scope will be replacing my ST80 as a guide scope and will be used as a second imaging scope next to my SW 80DS Pro. I know that the 72 isn't that much smaller than my 80DS Pro in aperture size, but I think that its a lot faster and a wider field of view. Being F6 (432mm focal length) compared to F7.5 (600mm), has anybody had any the William Optics Megrez 72 as a guide scope? And any comments regarding it being used as an imaging scope? Plus the option of using a Williams Optics 0.8 reducer / flattener William Optics - William Optics 0.8x Reducer / Flattener III? Any comments or advice very appreciated.

Thank you.

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Take a look at Psychobillys albums - most of it is done with an original Meg and very impressive. I've only used mine for visual so far and love it. If you can borrow a Skywatcher flattener to try first, you might save a few bob rather than splashing out on the WO one. :)

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