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WOO HOO Saturn at last


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Up at 5am again today and 3rd time lucky and Saturn is in MY eyepiece:icon_biggrin:, just no mistaking that little light with the stunning bright ring around it, i still can't believe i have seen something with my own eyes that i only thought i would ever see in books and on tv, just amazing.

But now for the serious stuff, i have read that others have seen the rings and a gap between them, all i could see was a bright disk, with what looks like a darker band going around it near the top, and a bright ring around the planet, and no matter what i did could not get the rings any better, am i expecting to much?

I could be getting sucked in by the photos i've seen on here but i do know these are a lot of shots and stacked etc,

but i think what may be the problem is the fact i only had 45mins and this includes the scope cooling (or not) and also when packing up had dew on the mirror, it was -2

But with all that it was still a great moment for me and quite pleased with myself, will do it again in a few weeks when the view gets better...thanks for reading:icon_salut:

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I was up at 4.30am..My new scope arrived yesterday so i was very eager to use it!!..Thank goodness i did, weathers been terrible here tongiht(Snowdonia Wales)...I got great views of Saturn too, managed to watch for 2 hrs...I couldnt believe how awesome it looked..I am definately hooked!!...Cant wait to get out again..:)


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