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Meindl Solden boots.


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Cold feet? Try these;

Solden Decathlon France

I bought mine in the local shoe shop in Laragne Monteglin for 10 euros less than the Decathlon price shown here.

Meindl are famous for mountaineering boots but these are marketed for hunters who might be standing around a lot in the snow. The lower outer boot is rubber with a nice proofed leather upper, so very water and snow proof. The inner boot, which can serve as a 'bothy boot ' when removed, is of shrunk or felted wool. It is about -7C tonight and I have very cosy feet despite standing around on the snow and ice. ( I left my snow shovel somewhere and now cannot find it because it is under snow. Silly boy!) The Meindls are rated for -30C according to the shop.

If you have to yomp to your dark site you will find that they great to walk in, unlike my other (cheaper) moon boot solution. Moon boots are very warm but get soggy and come off in mud!.

The new ones are very comfortable, nice looking and seriously warm with a 2 year gurantee. Recommended.


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