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Bino-viewrs - Worth it???

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Some people "get" the synthetic 3D given by a good binoviewer, some don't. I don't, I believe in having as little glass as possible between me and the target. Even avid proponents of binoviewers admit they're worse than useless on DSOs because of the light loss - splitting the light two ways reduces the light grasp by 0.7 magnitudes, about the same as a 40% reduction in apreture. And there are issues with getting to focus and vignetting caused by the extra optical length of the device ... some refractors come in special short tubed versions to allow BVs to be used, otherwise only Maks and SCTs with moving primary mirror focusing have enough back focus to make a BV focus - without inserting an additional element which increases the focal ratio & therefore spoils your calculation of which eyepieces you will want to use with the thing.

Far more trouble than they're worth, IMHO.

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Provided you can get on with them (some people can't) then the fact that you are using both eyes to collect information and that it avoids the strain of having to close one eye for long periods at a time then I'm sure they have real benefits. Not to hijack your thread but what I'm not sure of is the real difference between the WO priced versions that are relatively cheap and the really expensive versions (televue etc) and if that price difference is worth it.


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Well, I just love my binoviewers. I am lucky enough to have some (Baader BVs) that focus readily in both my refractor and SCT. I particularly like them for viewing the planets or the Moon. I have a pair of TV 8 - 24 mm zooms + a pair of TMB 6mm planetary eyepieces to cover the range.

A group of people at Kelling in Sept looked through them at Jupiter and declared that it was the best view of it and the GRS they had ever seen.


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