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Skyalign problem

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Nexstar 4SE

I can locate and align 3 stars as per instructions but alignment fails each time. I have tried 6 or 7 times now.

I have to enter my location but because of limited locations in UK I have to pick Bristol which is the nearest but still it´s 50 miles away.

Now I am completely new to this so it is quite probable that the problem is me. :)

Do you have any suggestions?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

I had the same problem, and entering my exact actual GPS coordinates worked well : "Alignment OK" !

Unfortunately, my Nexstar 4SE isn't able to align with any object (M42, Jupiter, Moon, ...)

Asking to find any, the GoTo procedure starts, and leave me at a bad location.

Did I miss something in the alignment procedure ?

Is my Nexstar 4SE broken ?

Or maybe Nexstar 4SE cannot be more precise ?

Any help, advices or opinion will be appreciated !

Thank you all by advance !!


(all new in astronomy !!)

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Be very careful entering the data after switch on. Date (US format?), Time (GMT?, daylight saving?), Location (Lat, Long, +/- signs). Is the star suggested for alignment actually the one your're pointing at (confirm with a star chart or planisphere)? Is the tripod level? It should be accurate enough to put the goto target in the eyepiece field of view.

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Once you have checked your input data (as per BlueAstra's comment):

If you know your way around the sky well enough to identify the stars you are using, try a one-star align, then use the GOTO to move to another star 45/60 degrees from your alignment star and use the ALIGN button to add this new star as your second 'fixed point'. Works every time for me on the 6SE.

If you don't know your way around the sky well enough, download a program like Stellarium to help identify a specific star and then do try the above procedure.

SkyAlign is something you either love (if it works for you) or hate (if it doesn't)

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