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Ghost Moon?


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He, ..."saw the ghost image with his naked eyes, so that's the camera lens out." I wouldn't be alarmed by this report, given that there has been no attempt to explore any alternative reasons for this photographic effect. If only this level of considered analysis could be applied to the Loch Ness phenomenon.

"So Hamish, what your telling us is, that it came out of the water and then up onto the river bank and headed straight towards the picnic hamper, where it then sat down and had lunch with you and your wife? No its ok, not a problem, if that's what you're telling us then it clearly rules out the explanation that you've been participating in the effects of, shall we say, 'certain substances'. :):D:D

A photograph isn't proof of anything these days without corroborative evidence from different sources, especially with digital photography and Photoshop. Of all the explanations, the reality of another 'ghost' moon must be somewhere at the bottom of that list I would guess.:(


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He, ..."saw the ghost image with his naked eyes, so that's the camera lens out." I wouldn't be alarmed by this report, given that there has been no attempt to explore any alternative reasons for this photographic effect. If only this level of considered analysis could be applied to the Loch Ness phenomenon.

"So Hamish, what your telling us is, that it came out of the water and then up onto the river bank and headed straight towards the picnic hamper, where it then sat down and had lunch with you and your wife? No its ok, not a problem, if that's what you're telling us then it clearly rules out the explanation that you've been participating in the effects of, shall we say, 'certain substances'. :(:D:D

A photograph isn't proof of anything these days without corroborative evidence from different sources, especially with digital photography and Photoshop. Of all the explanations, the reality of another 'ghost' moon must be somewhere at the bottom of that list I would guess.:(


thanks for that :( I have to say i was looking at the same moon last night and i couldn't see anything weird about it at all.........just it's beauty of course :) I try not to over think things and most of the time i do pretty well :happy7: just sometimes well you know :)

I am really sorry if i am coming across as being daft :)


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Looks like "ghosting" to me, it's a common enough issue with optics.

Its somewhat like lens fare, but instead is more focus and is located opposite of the bright object in the frame. This happens to a much lesser extent with my Equinox 80 ED, and when taking earthshine images. More than likely the scope used to take those images had less lens coatings.

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Just want to say thank you to you all that has replied :) even Mick :(

I have seen picture like that before i have to admit.........but it was just the fact the he said he has seen it with his eyes first that through me a bit.

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It could be another case for Chinese Latin, if the lantern was high enough and with the moon being so bright it could give extra glare and size to the lantern, and if you read the account by the picture taker further down the page the pics were not taken that far apart from each other that would explain why it could have been an actual object not a atmospheric effect.

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Ah thanks for this thread. I saw a "ghost moon" through my guide camera and 80mm scope the other night, which freaked me out a bit at first. It looked very much like this link from the article:

Ghost Moon 1st in series by tmcphoto on Etsy

My guess is that the hotspot was the "real moon", whereas through the guide cam the hotspot looked like some lunatic sun about to swallow up the moon!

I guess this is what late nights do to the brain!

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Ah thanks for this thread. I saw a "ghost moon" through my guide camera and 80mm scope the other night, which freaked me out a bit at first. It looked very much like this link from the article:

Ghost Moon 1st in series by tmcphoto on Etsy

My guess is that the hotspot was the "real moon", whereas through the guide cam the hotspot looked like some lunatic sun about to swallow up the moon!

I guess this is what late nights do to the brain!

welcome :) seems a lot of things is making me think twice these days LOL :) wonkie :(

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