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ETX 80 questions?

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Hello to all!

I want to buy one ETX 80, as I found that is the best telescope for me right now...

but I want to know a little bit more about it here, seeing that people from the forum owns telescopes from Meade

well, first thing: Does Meade still produces ETX 80 or they stopped to build it? If they still make them, are they planning on stop its production? when? Do they sell new ones or I just find used?

2º: What are all those models like "AT, EC, BB, AR"?... what does come with them and which is the best? Or are just different kits?

3º: Does the ETX 80 has to be coallimated? If yes, I have to coallimate the primary, secondary or both mirrors?

4º: Does it has to be realigned every time I use it? Can I choose the star to align? (I live in a big city, so I don't have that much of stars at window...)

Well, that's all! sorry for all those questions, but I want to be sure of what I'm buying...

thank you all! :)

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Hi LuLaz, I have a EXT70, and if it's anything to go by i find it a good little scope, I'll try to answer some of your questions Meade still make the 80 i've seen them advertised in a few mag's You don't need to collimate the 80. You will have to polar align the scope if you are moving it about, I have had some good nights with the 70 if your not using the goto it can be a bit hard to find star's as there is no red dot finder on the scope but i'm sure this could be overcome. Hope this is of some use to you in your quest,

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