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GOTO problems with Skywatcher Skyliner 350P GOTO

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Wouldn't be the first time a Firmware version required scrutiny. My Ioptron (Alt-Az) "Standard" came with the latest version of the Firmware... which was, at best, only partly functional - AND with the "Pro" mount! The evidence, was mostly anecdotal (via informal User Group) too... :)

Don't mind me - Always interested in FUTURE Alt-Az possibilities though... :)

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LOL, still got mine in a bag with the tools, never worked it out!

As have I. I looked all over the scope, base and parts and saw no use for it other than to slot the screw driver into it and put it back into the zip back with all the other spare bits lol

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This software sometimes do funy things :) !

This has happend to me a few times and the only way to get out of it is to do a factory reset and enter all stuff again, and then it works like a clockwork as nothing has ever happend !

Why ? well no idea readly.

Anyway a few other things to keep in mind when aligning appart from horyzontaly alignment and the polar alignmet are the optical train in your telescope also need to be aligned, and to use a rectile with suficent magification and also preferable with a illuminated crosshair within.

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Eek. The 12" manual at least covered that..until it got soaked in the rain at SSP..

I've put together a 200P and 300P before now and still scratching my head over this one... it's kind of clear, but it's a bit poor when it's a fundamentally-different base design and i've still got a few bits left over :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did. I was able to try it out on the 30th but it still didn't work.

I was able to get the encoders working for about 30 seconds. It was tracking M31 for about 5 seconds and then gave up.

GOTO alignment is still buggered but in all fairness instead of the 5-10 degree inaccuracy of v3.08 it is now only about 2 degrees off target. A small improvement but still not right.

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  • 3 months later...
Yeah, like how to install the primary, where the small black plastic tube goes etc....

I am also an newly owner of an flextutbe 350p goto. I have tested the autotracking mode and it functionals perfect. However I have not tested the goto yet because I have it installed on my balcony with limited sight.

I wonder about where the two black pears shaped knobs with threads should fit?

Also I cannot find out where the plastic tube goes.


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