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Where do I position a Rigel?

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My new 9x50RACI and Rigel arrived today. I have aligned my 9x50RACI (I am definitely getting better at that: I did it in 2 minutes rather than the 20 minutes (and copious swearing) the first time I ever did it!:D)

I was just wanting to check where I should place the Rigel on my 127 MAK. The 9x50RACI is attached using the original bracket and so sits about 11 o'clock if you see what I mean.

I thought originally about placing the Rigel to the right, right next to the Finderscope so it sits about 12 o'clock. But, if I am using a 32mmEP you risk bumping your chin on the EP to look through the Rigel.

I am presuming you want to get your eyes right up to the Rigel. In that case I thought of shifting it more to the right till it is at almost 1 o'clock. That way you don't bump your face in the EP but that does mean it won't be easy to quickly swap from Rigel to the RACI when star hopping as you'll need to get around the EP.

Any advice on where to place the Rigel? I just want to make sure I get it right before I glue the pads on!:)



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I put my RDF between the existing finder and the focuser, which works well for me. A friend of mine has a Rigel that he mounted halfway up the tube of his Dob. That is an excellent position for this application, as it doesn't get in the way of anything.You can mount it anywhere you want as long as you're not going to bump it frequently, and the focuser and existing finder don't interfere. Some people with very large Dobs put the finder at the bottom. No reason not to do that on a smaller scope, either.

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Bizibuilder, I may use masking tape for the first couple of times using it until I am sure I have it in the right position. Thanks for that

Thanks The Warthog. I think making sure I don't bump into anything definitely rules out the 12 o'clock position. It is good to know I can place it anywhere.

Russ. Thanks. Yes, I think I'll try out the 1 o'clock position and see how that goes.

Thanks again everyone.


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