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Revelation dob springs

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Evenin' all,

Having borrowed a Cheshire, I have been playing with the Revelation collimation and it strikes me that the collimation springs seem to be very weak. Has anyone replaced theirs with something stronger? When the locking bolts are tightened up finger tight, the whole thing goes out of collimation again! Anyone done any super mods to counteract this?


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My 8" Revelation seems OK but I have seen reports of the springs in the larger

scopes not being strong enough

No reason why you shouldn't change them.

The link below is to a company I got springs for my QDD scope project from.

Measure yours and maybe choose a similar size but springs made from thicker wire

to make them stiffer..



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You are right, the springs that push against the mirror are a little weak (for the 10 and 12 inch mirrors) and replacing them is a good idea. When you find a source, please post details as I am sure there are others who would benefit.

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