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A trip around Perseus and beyond


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In the vicinity of Perseus and beyond. Whilst the rig was running capturing my data no the double cluster, I popped the 15x70's on my tripod and had a good nose around...

Starting at Mirfak, for a look at the Mirfak Association Mel20 (looks great in bins), I went up to the Double Cluster, had to be done, it's a lovely sight too. Then back down to Kembles Cascade again, another lovely sight, the faint line of stars slicing down to the cluster (looks almost like a hockey stick. I've not worked out what to use to capture an image of it yet, but one day I will.

I then hopped over to M31, clear but faint oval patch, and had a look about for m33, but to no avail. I spotted M45 just poking over the neighbours roof, and had a look at the top half, but the seeing conditions, with the heat rising from the roof was sending wobbles across the view even at only 15x, still lovely though..

I then swung around for a quick nose at Jupiter... all 4 moons visible, one out wide on the left, 2 in close on the left, and the other out wide on the right. (Callisto, Europe, Io, Jupiter, Ganymede)

I swung around for a quick look at the coathanger, marvelous and clear, it nearly fills the FOV in the 15x70's.

Then back to Perseus and I spent 15 minutes trying to find the comet. Tricky devil this one... Eventually, after scanning about for some 15 minutes, I spotted a really faint gray smudge, thinking it might be my eyes or the optics, I moved everything around a little and it moved with the stars, not across them, so that had to be it.

At that point, with my neck and back protesting at the awkward angles I gave up with viewing.

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I found the double cluster, Mel 20 and I read that Algol was a variable star and so I've been checking it each day to see if it looks brighter or darker. (not sure if that's the way to see if the stars brightness changes)

I'm not that good at finding things just yet. Been using TUBA, Stellarium and Turn Left at Orion, but I struggle slightly. I'll keep practising.

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I Never know what to look at first:confused:

so much to look at,

and when I look through the Binoculars then you get more choice as millions more appear:icon_eek:.

in fact I Get dizzy spinning round on the swivel chair:bino2:

I Want to see everything.AND NOW.lol

I Think I might have to write up like a shopping list.lol


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