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Colli-Mate Deluxe instructions

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Morning all, favour time!

Anyone have instructions for a Colli-Mate Deluxe Cheshire they could e-mail me? Borrowed one last night and would like to know how to use it!

Or perhaps I'm being dim and it's really simple? How far into the focuser do you insert the Colli-Mate? Why do the cross hairs look out of focus?



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I use one of those Justin but have long since lost the instructions. Auntie FLO is currently out-of-stock but is expecting more tomorrow; if you aren't sorted by then, I'll copy some instructions and put them in the post.

Once you put it in the focus-tube and play a little, you'll soon get the idea :D

(Cross-hairs are out of focus because Cheshire eyepieces have no optics)

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