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NGC 7000


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Following inspiration from Olly P, Steve L, Daz, Eaglesye and so many others I have finally made a start! Olly yes I know I promised to do this ages ago but two years have passed very quickly and I got sidetracked with big dobs!

So having finally come out of the 35mm stone age I chose NGC7000 as a first target because its big, red and I know where it is!

Single 15mins unguided shot with Canon modified 400D and William optics something around 90mm ish scope. No tweaking apart from brightness. Used a light pollution filter as I am in the middle of Bedford.

Chuffed! But I know there must be a 100 things to do to improve it. At least I now feel a part of this imaging lark.

Can't control the camera from a laptop yet as the camera software was missing but thanks to Jim 'The Sailor' I am hoping to overcome this soon.

Best wishes,



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Hang on a moment is that really mine??? Good grief, I know I should have taken more notes at the SGL imaging day!

This is going to be fun and I can even do it when I am supposed to be marking!

Must get Daz to show me how to 'do stacking'.

Steve, once again many thanks.


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Whheee, Linton, that is very good isn't it! An abject failure might have spared you but now you're doomed to the insane torment of taking photographs without the aid of light! Your rowing will go the way of my cycling and your dosh will go the way of the astronomy shops... (One good thing is that your marking will probably go the way of the dustbin, however.)

Now then, 'fess up. Fifteen minutes unguided. So this was on an AP1200, or Paramount or something? The tracking accuracy is incredible.

Great start. Best wishes to Yvette.


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Yes I have to confess its a second hand AP1200. I only set it up on a pedestal the other day and just did a rough polar alignment with its polar scope. I had planned to fiddle with it a bit more but I think I may just tighten the bolts and leave well alone!

We are very much looking forward to visiting you again.

All the best


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