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Skywatcher Infinity 76 new info !


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Hi all

Just following up on my thread from last night. INspired by the views I had through the Infinity 76 I took a closer look at it this morning. I have found that it will indeed take standard 1.25" eyepieces. All you have to do is take a sharp knife and snip off the two little pegs that the normal eyepiece uses to focus. A 1.25" eyepiece will then slot in nicely and move smoothly thanks to two small pieces of felt inside the tube. This means that normal eyepieces will focus in the Infinity 76. With a SW 25mm plossl you can hold the thing pretty steady and find things with relative ease. A 10mm seems to be pushing it and it is obviously not so easy to hold.

So if any of you have these wierd little spacship scopes lying around your attic, thinking that they won't even sell on Fleabay, then drag em out and have another look.



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Great idea, and it certainly works but before everyone starts 'snipping', the two black pegs can be easily slid out of their slots meaning that you would be able to replace them to use the helical eyepiece if wanted again.

I bought one of these for my 6 year old daughter, not really used it much but will certainly give it a go next chance I have with some decent ep's. Have tried it during the day and it seems much better and having different mag options helps with finding stuff

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