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Sony Move to Cannon will it help ?

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Few questions, I have a Sony A350 DSLR and whilst it’s not bad I do have issues in two areas

1 – I can’t have it connected to the laptop and see what the cameras seeing

2 – Focusing is a pain as in live view I can only do magnification x 2

I’m assuming if I get a Cannon (I have no idea which model so happy for advice) then these 2 things will not be an issue ?

Last question what software do folk use with their Cannons – for capturing images etc ?


John B

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It will help a great deal. Not only is there plenty of astro-support for canons, but the live view is much better, and magnifies to 10x. Also, the resulting image will have much less noise. Sonys really aren't made for astrophotography


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When I had this dilemma, I went with the 450D, because it has some minor improvements over the 1000D, but really, there's no wrong choice. The 1000D is quite a bit cheaper, and doesn't have all the 450D has, so it's really down to what you can afford.


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