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1st image from Japan - v.poor conditions!


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Just thought I'd post this as it's my first image taken in Japan where we are staying for a month before moving on to Australia. It's taken with my travel setup (which was packed in my suitcase!), consisting of a ALT/AZ SLT goto mount, 1000d with 55-250mm lens and 2" UHC filter. I took 102x28s subs with flats and darks.

I must say the image was taken under perhaps the worst conditions I've experienced (see photo). It was taken from the balcony of my wife's parents house in the city centre, a street light and (tiny) pub opposite. I could only visually see 3 stars in the sky, which were Deneb, Altair and Vega, that was it! Also it has not dropped below 30deg C at night for nearly 3 months! (It's 37deg C during the day!).

So, here is a photo of my setup (you can just see the moon rising above the houses) and good old NGC7000 taken at 250mm. (ps not sure why it's posted as a link instead of an image - not had that before). Thanks for looking.



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thanks Earl, unfortunately that was my best stab at Photoshop processing too :o! Tonight I've put a large suitcase on top of the balcony fence to block out some of the light, but phew, it's 9pm and still 30degC, I'm sweating! Having a go at the bubble nebula region this time.

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