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Jupiter Aug 24th reprocess

Space Cowboy

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Ran Jupiter avi through Registax 5.1 instead of v5. Doubled stack from 500 to 1000. More savage with wavelet settings and then used de-ringing/noise plus Auto balance RGB.

Result is a better colour and much smoother though Io looks less pronounced.

Below is the original image followed by 3 reprocesses, 100%, 150 and 200.





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I like the first and third ones the best.

What was the elevation of Jupiter at that time?

I have sometimes found if the planet is below around 30 degrees then atmospheric dispersion becomes noticable, causing red and blue fringing as the atmosphere refracts each wavelength by a different amount.

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Yes I agree they are a little dark. They were done on my netbook and seeing them on my PC screen they look darker. Probably got carried away with the resizing! Think I prefer the original lol

Clayton the Alt was 31 degrees. Some thin wisps of cloud were around abouts so maybe they got in on the act.


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Greenish cast? Looks more yellow to me. I'd not increased the saturation..seems to be the whitebalance on craterlet. I've had this yellow hue with vxastrocapture too when imaging Saturn. Strangely the Jupiter images I took at 1/25 shutter did not have this hue. Personally I think it enhances the detail but maybe that's just my eyesight.

Below is an image with 1/25 shutter rather than 1/33


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